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**English menu - Skimer board History
Bandeira dos Estados Unidos da América


Skimer iLunga raia manta
Protótipos Skimer board

History of Skimer board

Skimer was created in the year of 2006 by Jose Chaves during the university. Because he lives on the coast he has always lived with the sea to which he has a true passion.


While attending the Industrial Design University of Product Developer, in his Conclusion Work, he had no doubts and decided to join all his fabulous experience of his contact with the water between Diving, Snorkeling, Surfing, Underwater Photography and Water Skiing, which were activities who really made a difference to love the waters so much.

Amidst these activities when researching underwater photographers came across a photograph that would give the big boost to the product.









Joining this image and a play they made as a child to tow a boadyboard for a boat but a poorly made mooring that ended up making the board plunge into the water, the insigth for the diving system came up ... yes that would allow you to dive and have the sensation to hitchhike on a MANTA RAY, like a picture!


A lot of research, prototypes, tests were done because it was not easy to leave the ergonomic and hydrodynamic board with buoyancy, directional, safe and beautiful ... even more at that time when the manufacturing processes were very expensive and to make a prototype was accurate a lot of imagination









The hydrodynamics were solved giving the very forms of Manta Ray.


The safety has been solved by giving buoyancy to the fairing and a quick release designed to disengage when pulled by the skier if he falls off the board or even pulls the Leasch himself.


The surveys did not stop there because on our coast in Brazil, the waters depending on the day were dark then the Skimer should ski on the surface and with dirigibility too, so you could ski and leave with the water mat of the boat can do maneuvers lying, thinking so would be a ski for everyone because you do not need balance to stand, then the learning cycle would be very short, because it would be very intuitive and even wheelchair users could use it.


Then another crack for the product has arisen, and may now be a new sport that can be maneuvered, these what a BodyBorder was super capable of doing, maybe even inventing new ones, assuming that until then there is no Wakeboard for Bodyboarders ...


From then on after graduating and another season of studies in Europe and passages by companies in Brazil and abroad in several sectors where the Skimer was being improved laterally with more studies coming from these apprenticeships, the first MVP was made to be tested.


Skimer was entered into Design and Innovation contests, which validated that the product not only appealed to its creator, but also the people of renown in Design and Innovation who composed the jury of these competitions where Skimer was awarded.


With these validations and some sales made to final customers, it was really ready for the market, where it was decided to create Startup iLunga Innovative Products to finally put it in the market, since then it has been gaining more customers.

As Startups the thinking is Global and we want to see Skimer in various countries of the world inspiring and giving new emotions to everyone!


It has National and International Patent Application.


But Skimer does not stop there, there are already several projects under test with new accessories and new functions for the Skimer board!


Wait for ...



This is our contact if you want to know about new possibilities of use and new accessories for the Skimer board or have interesting to be a partner.

Bandeira dos Estados Unidos da América
Premio campus.jpg
shark tank brasil ilunga
Ilunga sinapse
Globo news José chaves - ilunga
skime board premio campus party
destaque startup ilunga
ilunga prêmio destaque skimer board
premio skimer board

Entrevistas e Reportagens

Shark tank Brasil ilunga
shark tank brasil ilunga
logo-skimer-oficial-cor-rgb-sem-fundo ME

Brasil - Santa Catarina -  Balneário Camboriú  

iLunga Produtos Inovadores - LTDA - ME 

© Ilunga by José Chaves

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